Close the borders — Close the borders — no invasion of refugees
but HELP YESs with several concepts ———
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!91% of germans think that Germany is overstrained with the invation of refugees and we are not aible to finance.
(TV-survey which I saw on TV) > That´s my opinion too!Conductor Ivan Fischer spoke on stage before the concert of Philippe Jaroussky.
Listen and read ... here: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]It is not the job of a conductor to hold a POLITICAL (!) speech before a concert.
No matter which topic!
That`s not good behavior!
>>> An interview is always better. In adition ... a sentence in his speech:
Diese alten, veralteten Regeln sind nicht mehr wichtig,
die in
dieser Masse sowieso nicht mehr funktionieren!“
(German language)
I´m very angry about this sentense!
Germany (and Europe) has not old rules. We openend since 40 years the borders and HELPED million foreigners! That cots a lot of money. To speak about freedom !!!. That`s ok.That´s positiv!
But — NO political opinions before a classical concert !!! ———[/color]
If that happens again... no matter where —
I will stand up and leave the concert and not without comment ! It´s enough! Who helps Germany?
Who helps the "lost generation" in Germany?
Who helps the huge masse of poor Germans and foreigners with low sallary?
Who helps the German poor pensioners with 300-800 Euro a month ? > Without health insurance !!!
Who helps the foreigners > poor pensioners with 300-800 Euro a month ?
Who helps the singel mothers ? !!! Find an appartment !!??
Who helps the huge mass of unemployed people?
Who helps all families to find an affordable appartment?
(2 room-apartment cost 700 Euro and much more!)
The Germans (and foreigners who work since 20-30 years in Germany) need help — we do not have the money for several millions refugees !
Our gouvernment is looking for law and order
in Europe.
But who helps the poor
Germans and the poor foreigners who live since 30-40 years in Germany?
The most sallaries are much to low. No possibilities to save money for the pension!It`s enough ————
" Dear Mister Ivan Fischer,
it is necessary to tell you several
facts about Germany and his population.Germany is
not rich. Germany is poor.It is very important to close all borders.
Help for refugees. Yes! —But not in Germany, France, Austria, Spain... and other countries.
That`s to expensive!!!!! A refugees costs around 1.200 Euro and health insurance.
Germany is expensive!
Full houses with incredible problems in Germany !!!!!Facts:The German government debt increases: 1,556 Euro every second.( Staatsschuldenuhr: )
Germany has the similar problems like Spain, France and a lot of other countries.
The biggest problem: „The lost generation“.
A lot of students and young people
don´t find a job after their graduation.
They make traineeships for
0,00 Euro. A health insurance? I don´t think so!!! —
Where is the future for this people? No future!
A lot of young people don`t find apprenticeships. That has a lot of reasons!
( Protest in Berlin:
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]Germany has a lot of poor people They get
not enough money from the gouvernment.
Not enough money to buy food in the stores.(= Harz 4, Sozialhilfe, Arbeitslose, alleinstehende Mütter etc.)
„Berliner Tafel“ (Tabel Berlin) =
food donations:
660 tons of food are distributed per month.
I repied:
660 tons per month
only in Berlin!—
„Münchner Tafel“ (Tabel Munich) = food donations:
100 tons of food are distributed per month.
This German people are happy that they get foodfor 1,50 Euro.
It´s a huge mass in Germany.
A sad situation and it´s getting more and more!I guess: Soon, thousands of refugees will arrive in „Table Berlin“:Who helps the poor Germans and people with
low salleries like officials, police officers
(= the most get
1.025 Euro net sallerie a month, some more).
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]> No possibility to start a family !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Very important website: What cots a refugees?[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]Who helps the unemployed people in Germany ???
Who helps the poor German pensioners.A lot of German pensioners don`t have a health insurance: To expensive!A lot of German get only 300 - 800 Euro per month. That the truth!
But a privat insurance costs around 700 Euro per month. —
No possibility to be insurend in a statutory health insurance. That`s reality. The gouvernment knows that. But nothing happens.
Persons seeking asylum have an health insurance — without problems.
(= Examples: Hamburg and Bremen)
My medical view: 500.000 people get cancer each year.
That´s fact !!!!!!!
And a lot of people don`t have the money to get in a health insurance! Suicide ! > old, helpless,
poor people about 70 years >
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]I often watch older German peoble who
look for food in the garbage.I feel very sad about this image in the "rich Germany". Who helps the pensioneers. Who helps the unemployed persons?The risk of poverty in old age is increasing.
It´s now! —
A refugees costs around 1.200 Euro a month!
(Depending on location and the
duration of stay)
STOPP with the invasion of refugees
We could help better the refugees in their own country. That`s possible.
I`m very sure that the German helpfulness could be immense >>>
in a region which is not so cold in the winter time.
The refugees will not have a future in Germany and France and Austria. That´s not possible... They will not find a job. Criminality will come because they are disapointed and they will never find a job!
That´s sure! Who helps the poor people in Germany and all the problems?CLOSE THE BORDERS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!— Europe is able to help with huge possibilities.
We do not help the refugees with unemployment in Germany. > Watch France— the ghettos around Paris !!!!!
The foreigners have no work too !!! Only crime and drogs.
That`s sad.
So — let´s help in the countries with
sponsorship/ godparenthood,
food, small buildings, soldiers for safty and work (textiles....).
But a life in Germany doesn´t work.
We learned from USA — the same problem.
People who don`t find a job. The result: Crime and drogs."
I have the big luck to visit beautiful concerts. But I know that thousands of German people and people around the world don`t have the money to go to a concert.
But — I`m very sad too about the worse situation of the refugees.
BUT HELP in their own country.
They can not find work in Germany. Result: Crime.
PLEASE - peace for world.
A very important website for artists and concert houses:
Situation: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
Website > "Art but fair":
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